EMYA Lightning Talks @ 9th European Congress of Mathematics, Seville, ES

July 17, 2024   |   Higher Teichmüller theory for GDAHA (top 5 prize awarded, certificate)

Noncommutative Geometry & Topology seminar @ Charles University, Prague, CZ (online)

April 2, 2024   |   Quantum cluster varieties, quiver seizures, and GDAHA

Geometry and Mathematical Physics PhD student seminar @ University of Birmingham, UK

March 15, 2024   |   Cluster algebras 101

Quantum groups, Hopf algebras, and monoidal categories seminar @ Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE

March 12, 2024   |   Quantum cluster varieties, quiver seizures, and GDAHA

Pure Détours seminar series @ University of Birmingham, UK

March 1, 2024   |   A quantum group is NOT a group

LMS Regional Meeting and Workshop in Bath @ University of Bath, UK

January 17, 2024   |   Higher Teichmüller geometry for GDAHA representation theory

British Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium @ University of Birmingham, UK

July 21, 2023   |   GDAHA representations via quantum middle convolution

Geometry and Mathematical Physics seminar @ University of Birmingham, UK

February 28, 2023   |   A gentle introduction to higher Teichmüller theory

Birmingham Maths Research Festival 2022 @ University of Birmingham, UK

November 16, 2022   |   Down the quantum rabbit hole

Non-commutative algebras, representation theory and special functions @ Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM), Montreal, CA

June 10, 2022   |   Automorphisms and embeddings of GDAHAs