
I am a PhD candidate in the Geometry and Mathematical Physics group at the University of Birmingham, exploring the realm of quantum algebras and noncommutative geometry under the supervision of Professor Marta Mazzocco.

My research project connects generalized double affine Hecke algebras (GDAHA) with both the monodromy data from the Painlevé VI equation and higher Teichmüller theory, using methods in quantum cluster algebra, category theory, and mathematical physics.

In parallel, I cultivate a fascination with quantum groups and their role in a quantum spacetime concept. 

Moreover, I started the Pure Détours seminar series for PhD students in Pure Mathematics at the University of Birmingham.

📌 222 Watson Building, School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK

📧 contact[at]

💼 Curriculum vitae

👤   he/him